SnowCastle in Kemi 2006

Restaurant in the SnowCastle Restaurant in the SnowCastle Restaurant in the SnowCastle Restaurant in the SnowCastle Restaurant in the SnowCastle
Sculpture in the SnowCastle Sculpture in the SnowCastle Sculpture in the SnowCastle Sculpture in the SnowCastle Sculpture in the SnowCastle
Remu in the SnowCastle Remu in the SnowCastle Igloo in the SnowCastle Remu in the SnowCastle Remu in the SnowCastle
Courtyard of the SnowCastle Courtyard of the SnowCastle Courtyard of the SnowCastle Courtyard of the SnowCastle Entrance to the SnowCastle Entrance to the SnowCastle
Tulikansa in the SnowCastle Tulikansa in the SnowCastle Tulikansa in the SnowCastle Tulikansa in the SnowCastle Tulikansa in the SnowCastle
Elvis in the SnowCastle Uproar in the SnowCastle
All photos © Timo Laapotti
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